ittent fasting for reducing the weight loss.

 If you want to lose weight 10lbs (4.5 kg) in just seven days, they must read this article. There are many diet plan for losi ng weight, but no diet plan could be helpful to reduce 10lbs in a week — however, no need to worry and start a weight loss journey.

Table of Contents

·         Try Int ermittent Fasting

·         Lift Weights

·         Get More Active In General

·         Reduce water retention

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the best ways to reduce the calorie load. For that purpose, you can use MyFitness Pal that help you to set goals (1500-1650)/day, but for a short period. It gives you intermittent fasting for reducing the weight loss.

It’s a natural process in which consumer consume fewer calories. My Fitness Pal gives a 10-hour window, that means you take your breakfast at 10 am and finish 


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